Anime Shugo Chara Party Sub Indo
Rating: PG - Children Plot Summary: Every child has an egg in their heart, unseen at first, an egg with the would-be self of their dreams. Hinamori Amu, part of a group called the Guardians, protect those eggs from becoming x-eggs, eggs filled with resentment and resignation that gives children troubles. Amu's job is to capture and restore x-eggs to their orginal form.
Bionic Turtle Frm Notes Pdf. She does this with the help of her three Shugo Chara (guardian characters or her would be selves), Ran, Miki and Su. Thanks to them she can change her character and abilities, and so fight against the mysterious organization Easter which aim is to find a special egg called Embryo using the x-eggs.
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Download Download Shugo Chara! Batch Subtitle Indonesia Episodes 1-25 – Sinopsis Shugo Chara! Pesta!: Season ke-3 dari anime Shugo Chara. Suatu hari, Amu. Nonton Anime Shugo Chara! Episode 25 Subtitle Indonesia rilis cepat di Animeindo, rekomendasikan teman-temanmu untuk menonton Shugo Chara! Episode 25 di sini. Doki— merupakan lanjutan dari sekuel anime Shugo chara, maka episode anime ini pun dimulai dari episode 52. Medaka Box Abnormal Subtitle Indonesia MKV.